• What has been the process in your country for determining institutional arrangements to manage the NDC implementation process and facilitate inter-ministerial coordination? How will existing arrangements be built upon or enhanced in the context of NDC implementation?
  • Based on your national experiences, what advice would you have for other countries that are beginning the process of establishing institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms?
  • What challenges has your country come across in increasing NDC awareness at the national level, engaging key ministries (e.g., planning, finance, sectoral line ministries) and stakeholders (e.g., sub-national governments, private sector, national assemblies, etc.), and increasing ownership of the NDC process? What has worked well?
  • What experiences does your country have in maintaining momentum following the Paris Agreement (i.e., keeping climate change high on the political agenda)?
  • How has your country begun assessing institutional capacity needs and gaps in the context of NDC implementation (e.g., related to the role that sectoral line ministries will play in implementing NDCs)? What advice would you have for other countries for mainstreaming climate change into the decision-making processes of other ministries? What will be key to improving this capacity going forward?
1 Dec 2016 - 21 Dec 2016

Comments (2)

Ricardo Energy & Environment

Hi,  James Harries here from Ricardo Energy & Environment. Just wanted to flag that our NDC implementation Quick-Start Guide (http://www.cdkn.org/ndc-guide/) has a specific module on governance, that may be helpful to refer to. This sets out key next steps and activities that a country might take on setting up governance structures and institutional processes to drive forward NDC implementation effectively and efficiently.

From our experience working with a range of countries, the key is  balancing the need to have an effective central organisation driving forward NDC implementation with the need to encourage ownership of climate action in all relevant line ministries, such as water, agriculture, energy, transport, and industry.  These line ministries hold the levers for action. The ultimate goal is effective mainstreaming of climate adaptation and mitigation, so that NDC implementation is not seen as a separate process.

NDC implementation needs to be, embedded in everything government does, from its five year plans and economic policy to key sectoral documents, such as sectoral master plans. However doing this takes time and requires careful planning and resource allocation. There are various barriers, such as limited capacity, changing political will, and timeframes that are often misaligned (e.g. planning and development policies may not be due a refresh for a number of years). Thus a sectoral approach to driving NDC implementation could be a good stepping stone to more comprehensive mainstreaming in future. This approach would involve promoting a clear mandate and responsibility to a central NDC implementation organisation, often (but not necessarily) in the Environment Ministry, for coordinating development of sectoral plans for NDC implementation, which should be owned and led by sectoral line ministries. Doing this can build capacity beyond the central NDC coordination unit, build sectoral political will and buy-in, and ensure a strong lead from the centre to drive action forward.

The Quick-Start Guide has more information on the key steps for ensuring effective governance and coordination for NDC implementation. These steps include identifying the central coordination team for NDC implementation, agreeing their role and responsibilities, agreeing cooperation approaches with key government ministries, department and agencies, integrating and aligning NDC implementation with other key policy processes, setting up institutional structures and processes for clear communication and decision making on NDC implementation, engaging non-government stakeholders and developing legal frameworks to formalise NDC governance arrangements where appropriate (as done in countries including Kenya, Mexico and the UK). The governance arrangements will need to cover all aspects of NDC implementation – mitigation, adaptation, MRV and climate finance – and should also align with any relevant governance structures at the sub-national level (e.g. cities and regions).

Saripalli Suryanarayana
Saripalli Suryanarayana

I had written a detailed draft as an engineer,on changes needed in  irrigation practices and systems  to meet the 21 century water and food needs.It includes proper modern equipments to record water pour,storage.Improving storage and supply systems.And finally the small rivers branching supplies to sea their training,storage of water,etc..This is given to FAO/CSA-GACSA-KAC..